The New Now...
I know a few young engineers that started out working with/for the California Cad, and a time really does come when the level they want to rise to passes through the IP theft, the plagiarism, the lying and all that good old boy bench warming junk to understand who has been really doing the work all along. That level is the one that does their research first, while the good old boy does not. That is the new customer base, well earned.
FPS is that point of demarcation, but it has an ironic twist. Well advanced from the Kinetic 2 meter, it had to use the exact same center section, root airfoil and stab saddle to allow full parts compatibility with K2m, giving an 80″ and 60″ span choice.
Success was instant. DS excellence and full slope superiority. It turns out though that models that short in span are hard to track. I launched discussion in the visual arts world, but production came to a halt due to this and that kind of stuff. It’s clear I need to do the whole of the entire process. Equipped yes, but this is scope limiting. I am searching for production resources.
FPS is that next step that formerly pulled me into industry and academia. A follow on will happen.