Solo work...
Sheer is the first all solo, all composite project that sets the path moving forward.
Essentially an advanced Kinetic 100_v1, it is intended for ‘crossover’ flight; dynamic soaring and slope. At both, the airframe is excellent and more.
Evolution in design/drawing practice is matched by evolution and practice in manufacturing. Sheer’s wing is exotic, so much so that the variation in camber and angle of attack across the full span required those features incorporated into the parting plane of the wing molds. As such, the wing has a planar leading edge certainly, but an irregular trailing edge. The result is more than just optimizing the airfoil schedule; the entire wing is optimized, and flight makes this clear.
Very fast, folks have used radar to measure front side speeds of copies built heavy. Built lite, the model has dynamic soared to 150mph in prevailing winds <15 mph. Lite copies are acrobatic in very lite prevailing winds.